東京・国立市 レイの英会話 & 仏会話レッスン

2023年07月10日 コラム English homophones

What do you know about homophones? Simply defined, a homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning and/or spelling. “Flower” and “flour” are homophones because they are pronounced the same. Other common homophones are “write” and “right”, “meet” and “meat”, “peace” and “piece”.

Find out how well you know English homophones, take the quiz!

1. I am ________ years old. (eight, ate)

2. I don’t want to ________ someone with a bad attitude. (higher, hire)

3. He would rather eat a ________ than an apple. (pear, pair)

4. We are not ________ to bring toys to school. (aloud, allowed)

5. The ________ rode up to the castle on a white horse. (night, knight)

6. If you buy something on ________, it will be cheaper than the regular price. (sale, sail)

7. She has many pets, including a dog, a cat and a ________. (hare, hair)

8. Our classroom has ________ of desks. (rose, rows)

9. The bird ________ very fast to get away from the cat. (flu, flew)

10. The ________ of the roses was beautiful! (cent, sent, scent)

11. My grandma stores lots of things in her ________. (cellar, seller)

12. I need to ________ quietly in line to check out my library book. (weight, wait)

13. My dog ate his ________ dinner in under a minute! (whole, hole)

14. On vacation, we stayed at a fancy hotel in a ________ overlooking the pool. (sweet, suite)

15. There are many fish in the ________. (see, sea)

16. If everyone got along, there would be ________ on earth. (piece, peace)

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