東京・国立市 レイの英会話 & 仏会話レッスン

2023年03月14日 コラム Movies and music…

I have always loved movies and music since as far as I can remember; four, five years old?

“Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think…”

Can you guess where this quote comes from? And its meaning? Or maybe you have your own understanding?

It is a popular song published in 1949, with music written by Carl Sigman and lyrics by Herb Magidson

The title is actually the translation of a Chinese proverb. Mindfulness, the Buddhist notion that suggests we fully experience the present moment, good, bad or indifferent…

From a Chinese proverb to a popular song to movies, either as a soundtrack: “Everyone Says I Love You” (1996), Woody Allen; “Finch” (2021) with Tom Hanks, or a quote: “The Adam Project” (2022) with Ryan Reynolds.

Now, why am I talking about this quote? Simply put, I like it! And I think it is easy to understand.

The obvious message: have fun while we can!

Another birthday is here and gone, you’ve turned another page. And suddenly, you realize you’ve reached middle age! Lol? Maybe not…

“Good night, and good luck” (Edward R. Murrow’s famous sign-off phrase on his WWII radio broadcasts from London)

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