What is a riddle?
Riddles are tricky or puzzling questions posed as problems that require out-of-the-box thinking to solve or guess the answer of the puzzle. Riddles have an element of surprise and witty thinking, which makes them funny and entertaining.
For an easier definition: A puzzling, tricky, and often funny question asked as a game or as a test of one’s thinking skills. Here is a riddle: Remove my skin and I won’t cry, but you might! What am I? Answer: An onion
Maybe, you are familiar with The Riddler, a supervillain who has become one of the most enduring enemies of the superhero Batman. As a kid, he was facinated by puzzles, and as a criminal he incoporates riddles and puzzles in his schemes to prove his intelletual superiority over Batman.
Riddles can be a fun (or not? 😉) way to learn new English words, improve spelling and comprehension.
So, here are 10 (maybe) easy riddles for you to try!
The anwsers next week! Good luck! 👍
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